고양이 사료 추천

Greater Choices for the Dog Food Items

The croquettes must be rich in meat and fish: they must represent the first ingredient. If the first ingredient is cereals for example, then the quantity of meat and fish will be insufficient. I also prefer meats and fish rather than by-products, the name of which remains vague. For고양이 사료 추천 this happens to be a very important matter.

Warning: The ingredients of the food must be of good quality, this obviously represents a cost. It is, therefore, necessary to avoid cheap, inexpensive food, for which the raw materials used are of lower quality.

With or without cereals

The presence of cereals in the croquettes does not allow judging their quality: there are croquettes without quality cereals but also croquettes to avoid. It is likewise for the kibbles containing cereals.

The two reasons to choose a grain-free diet:

  • The absence of mycotoxins: which can be found, among others, in cereals
  • The dog’s original diet: unlike proteins, cereals are not part of the dog’s basic diet

However, this mistrust should be put into perspective:

With current standards and manufacturers’ controls, the risks of our dogs being poisoned by mycotoxins are too low to ban grains from their diet, for this reason alone.

Over time, dogs have developed enzymes that allow them to digest starch, an essential molecule for making kibbles. However, grain-free kibbles contain other sources of starch peas, potatoes, etc. which are not necessarily more digestible for the animal.

In other words: It is above all advisable to focus on the protein content of the food, the quality of the raw materials, etc. then on the presence or not of cereals.

Note: the absence of chemical additives is also sought. Organic kibbles increasingly present on the market guarantee the organic quality of the ingredients and the absence of chemical additives.

How to analyze the analytical constituents?

고양이 사료 추천

The proteins

Proteins are a source of energy but also amino acids. Some are also essential, that is to say, they must be provided by food. Proteins must be provided mainly by ingredients of animal origin such as meat and fish.

Dry dog ​​food for adult dogs must contain a minimum of 25% protein. For foods higher in protein, don’t worry, this will not be a problem for healthy animals. How to know if the raw materials used in the kibbles are of quality? The ash (mineral) content of the food must be less than 12%.

How do you know if the food covers your dog’s protein needs? It is possible to calculate your RPC (Protido-Calorique Report). Thanks to this, your attending veterinarian will be able to tell you whether the food you have chosen has a CPP that is suitable for your dog’s needs or not.


As mentioned above, dogs are able to digest starch, which is also a source of energy. To calculate the number of carbohydrates in food, it’s simple:

A food is considered to be “low carb”, that is to say, that it contains a low level of carbohydrates when the ENA is less than 30%. Croquettes rich in meat and fish will have a high level of protein and a low level of carbohydrates.